Shiritori bot and station name Shiritori battle using voice recognition function!Useful items such as autoresponders, skips, favorite answers, etc.You can get the route where you can do Shiritori battle with free (with advertisement) gacha.Shiritori rules:・Dakuten is replaced with words without dakuten.・If the other persons Shiritori ending is "n" or "ー(long vowel)", you can continue from any word.・The date of reflection of the station name data used for Shiritori is described at the bottom of the start screen.●Caution:・The voice recognition function used for Shiritori uses the voice recognition function of your device. The voice, response sound, response time, recognition words, recognition accuracy, and other related specifications are based on the performance of the devices voice recognition function, so please understand that unexpected words may be recognized.・In this game, data such as records, items, etc. are saved on the terminal or server, but they may be lost due to terminal operation or unexpected events in the server environment, but we do not guarantee the integrity of the data. you cant. Please pardon.*For the iPhone version, the device specifications do not currently meet the release requirements, and the release schedule is undecided.